Wednesday, August 18, 2010

dollar store haulage

          So, I had to run over to my bank real quick because I happened to have misplaced my bank card :( Dohh! The wait was sooo long and it turns out i didn't qualify for a temporary card since my bank account was open in norcal! Damn you San Francisco!! Well, anywho I stepped out and decided to check out the dollar store to see what cheapie things i could my surprise they had a wide selection of NYX lippies, nail polish, and apple mascaras!! I've heard great things about apple mascaras it's a Mexican brand and I planned to do a haul next time I visited Mexico.

NYX lippies Iris, Athena, Frosted Flakes $1.99
apple mascara black, sabila, apple naturista, jojoba $1.99
wedges $.99
art deco np $.99

p.s. the store is called "Giant Dollar" and is located in West Covina on the corner of Azusa/Amar


  1. oooh the apple mascaras sounds really neat!

  2. @ blushingloves ty

    @ ALMat101 and they are fabulous!! I tried the black one today and it really held my curl and i havent seen any flaking whatsoever

  3. Nix lippies for so cheap?! :o !!
    They are so much money here :/

    Great Haul !!

    btw she is located in Stockholm, Sweden :)
    All my family is there I still order from her for support being that I order so much it would make sense to just get someone closer. Ordering from the site isnt so bad though. You can find someone near you from there. I just use her name on the site so she gets credit :)

  4. I love raiding the makeupo alley of my local dollar store!

    Those NYX lipsticks were such a good deal!

  5. awesome haul..i used to have some of those apple mascaras they work AMAZING!!!

  6. nice haul! the dollar stores really do have great things! :)

  7. Wow! Great haul! I wish my dollar store carried NYX!

  8. I really wish my local dollar stores carried NYX products! Our carry LA Color brand. Good stuff but not as good as NYX.
